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Let's Win Locally

Come to our phonebanking events Thursday from 5-7pm at Panera Bread or on Zoom!


We also meet every Wednesday from 2:20 until 3:15.


You can also phonebank on your own or organize your own phonebanks with friends! 

Sign up here

There's an election coming up in November!


Many people are only aware of presidential and mid-term elections, which happen every two and four years respectively. However, we vote every year twice a year – once in May for the party primaries (where you decide who in your party should be elected) and once in November for the general election.


These are the positions most likely to impact you! Every odd year, we elect judges (from the lowest level to the PA Supreme Court), county ROW offices (administrative offices like Treasurer and Coroner), school board directors, and municipal candidates (like mayors or township boards). These people have a direct impact on your life and the lives of those around you. They also are the first step to many of the large change you want to see. If you care about the environment, for example, the Chester County Commissioners just adopted a new climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Change starts at the grassroots level, and builds.


Despite this, young people are not involved in local government and local politics at the same scale of older individuals. There are simply no pathways for young people to get involved with the political community around them. With this project, we hope to fix that.

Let’s Win Locally, created by Youth in Local Progressive Politics, hosts youth-centered phonebanking events for local progressive candidates. As one of the most effective forms of voter communication, we as young people encourage other young people (Democrats aged 18-20) to vote for candidates that are like-minded in order to encourage political participation and build political power as an age group.


If you want get involved as a Community Organizer, please fill out this form. 


If you want to come to a phonebanking event, fill this form out to sign up. If you are interested but unsure if you will able to attend any phonebanking events, you can still fill out the form.

We will be in touch with you soon!

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